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151 phrases found for the topic Miscellany
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Phrase: Strike while the iron is hot
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Phrase: Sweep something under the carpet
Phrase: Take (or have) a leak
Phrase: Take something in your stride
Phrase: Take something with a pinch (or grain) of salt
Phrase: Take the mickey (out of somebody)
Phrase: Take to one's heels
Phrase: Thanks a million
Sent by Fred Barene
Email: fbarene@foxinternet.com
Phrase: The bad tax-collector will sell one of your oxen, the good one - both
Sent by Venu Desaraju
Email: venu@botsnet.bw
Phrase: The big print giveth and the small print taketh away
Sent by Keisha Forteau
Email: Kforteau@hotmail.com
Phrase: The child is father of the man
Phrase: The sun shines on mud, but does not get muddy
Phrase: The writing (or handwriting) is on the wall for somebody or something
Phrase: There is many a slip twixt the cup and the lip
Phrase: There is method in your madness
Phrase: Throw in (or cast) your lot with someone
Phrase: To do your bit
Phrase: Too many chiefs and not enough Indians
Phrase: Upset the applecart
Phrase: Virtue is its own reward
Phrase: Waiting for the other shoe to drop
Sent by Vickie Parks
Email: Dvparks@aol.com
Phrase: Waiting in the wings (or on the sidelines)
Sent by Ivy Robinson
Email: ivycarp@yahoo.com
Phrase: Walking in his shoes
Phrase: Water washes up everything but shame
Phrase: What goes around comes around
Email: SFINNBOGG@aol.com
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