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151 phrases found for the topic Miscellany
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Phrase: Have several irons in the fire
Comments: There are no comments. Make a comment (0)
Phrase: He who feels it knows it
Sent by Keisha Forteau
Email: Kforteau@hotmail.com
Phrase: He who keeps score can never really win!
Author: Kimberly-Moore O'Daniel
Sent by Gld739@cs.com
Email: Gld739@cs.com
Phrase: Heard it from the grape vine
Email: datacom@ica.net
Phrase: His name was mud
Sent by Sarah Long
Email: sarahlong@smaric.freeserve.co.uk
Phrase: Hold the line
Meaning: Do not hang up (the telephone), do not put down/back the receiver, hold on, wait. Example: -This is John Lee, and I would like to speak to Ms Green. -Hold the line, please. I will tell her you are on the phone.
Phrase: Hopeless romantic
Sent by Ivy Robinson
Email: ivycarp@yahoo.com
Phrase: If need be
Phrase: If the shoe fits, wear it.
Phrase: If you come to a fork in the road, take it
Author: Babe Ruth
Sent by Penny Higginbotham
Email: higginbotham@citcom.net
Phrase: If you don't ask, you don't get (or he who does not ask does not get)
Phrase: In the shape/form of something/somebody
Phrase: Iron out the kinks
Phrase: It is six of one and half a dozen of the other
Phrase: Jump out of the frying pan into the fire
Phrase: Just deserts
Phrase: Just dying to go
Sent by Fred Barene
Email: fbarene@foxinternet.com
Phrase: Keep a stiff upper lip
Phrase: Keep a tight rein on somebody or something
Phrase: Keep it low-key (or low-keyed)
Phrase: Keep one's chin up
Phrase: Keep up with the Joneses
Phrase: Keep up with the times
Phrase: Keep your own doorstep clean before you dirty someone else's
Sent by Sara C
Phrase: Kick up a fuss
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