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Phrases with the subject Abbreviations

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Phrase: ETA / eta

Meaning: An abbreviation for estimated time of arrival. It can also be used to mean completion.

-What does ETA mean?
-It means that the file will take three minutes to download.

Our ETA is 11.20, that is, we will arrive at about 11.20.

Date: 12-04-2023

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Phrase: radar

Meaning: An acronym for Radio Direction and Ranging.

Politicians use radar traps to collect money from vehicle drivers unfairly.
This plane should be invisible to radar.

Date: 11-04-2023

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Phrase: laser

Meaning: An acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

This machine produces a laser beam.
Lasers have many uses.

Date: 11-04-2023

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Phrase: NATO / Nato

Meaning: An acronym for the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.

Nato is a group of countries that help one another militarily. Many people are against Nato.

Date: 10-04-2023

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Phrase: AIDS / Aids

Meaning: Aids is an acronym for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

This disease killed many people in the tweintieth century. The virus that causes Aids is called HIV (human immunodeficiency virus).

Date: 10-04-2023

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Phrase: USA

Meaning: The abbreviation of the United States of America. Sometimes the A is dropped, that is, you can say the USA or the US.

I think that the USA / the US is the second most powerful country in the world.
Do US citizens believe in the American Dream? (US is an adjective here.)

Date: 09-04-2023

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Phrase: FBI

Meaning: An abbreviation for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI is a police deparment in the USA controlled by the government.

Date: 09-04-2023

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Phrase: CIA

Meaning: It stands for Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA is a US government organisation that secretly collects information on other countries.

Date: 09-04-2023

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Phrase: BBC

Meaning: The British Broadcasting Corporation

Note the following too: BBC English or BBC Pronunciation, that is, a standard form of pronunciation in Britain. See also RP.

In Castile, some people humorously say that BBC stands for "bodas, bautizos y comuniones".

Date: 03-04-2023

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Phrase: IRA

Meaning: The Irish Republican Army

Date: 03-04-2023

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Phrase: ROM

Meaning: It stands for read-only memory. It is pronounced /rɒm/.

This type of memory cannot usually be modified, and it is persistent.


I need to buy a CD ROM disc / disk (American English) to back up my data.

A DVD (= digital versatile disc / digital video disc) ROM disc can store more information than a CD (= compact disc) ROM disc.

I like this DVD ROM drive. It works like a charm.

As you will probably have noticed in the examples above, "CD ROM disc" is pleonastic, because the word "disc / disk" appears twice. The same applies to "DVD ROM disc". However, people say it so as to differentiate "disc" from "drive". Nevertheless, you can also say the following:

I want to buy a CD / DVD to back up my data.

I like your CD / DVD player.

I have written a new song. If you would like to hear it, play this CD / DVD.

Date: 22-07-2021

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Phrase: RAM

Meaning: Random Access Memory, that is, the memory that a computer uses. It can be modified. It is volatile, and faster than hard drives. It is pronounced /ræm/.

This computer has 32 GB (= gigabytes) of RAM.

Date: 22-07-2021

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Phrase: NASA

Meaning: National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

NASA is managed by the US government. It is pronounced /'næsə/.

Date: 22-07-2021

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Phrase: SMS

Meaning: It stands for Short Message Service or Short Message System. It is used to refer to the transmission of short text messages via or to mobile phones.

I will send you an SMS (message) tomorrow.
Here you can send free SMS (messages).

Date: 21-05-2021

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Phrase: vs

Meaning: Against something or someone.

Tonight we have a football match: Catalonia vs Germany.

You must not miss tonight's debate on TV3: botiflers versus (or vs) maulets. (Botiflers and maulets are Catalan words. The former one refers to those against the independence of Catalonia, and the latter, to those in favour.)

Should marihuana be legalised? First, We must weigh up its benefits vs its side-effects. We believe it should because it is a natural pain-killer / painkiller, and has many other benefits.

Date: 28-07-2020

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Phrase: GB

Meaning: The abbreviation of Great Britain.

Date: 26-07-2020

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Phrase: RP

Meaning: It means "Received Pronunciation", that is, the standard British English. In American English, they use GA, which stands for General American.

Date: 26-07-2020

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Phrase: Brexit

Meaning: It stands for Britain's exit or British exit.

Brexit rocks. Europe sucks. The kingdom of Castile and the European Union are an insult to my intelligence because they mean everything for the people, but without the people (= the motto of Enlightened Despotism).

Long live Brexit, and Catexit (= Catalonia's exit)! Catalonia (= Barcelona, Valencia, Majorca, and so on) is an oppressed country. I envy Brexiters / Brexiteers because they have left the European Union, which is ruled by neoliberals and colonialist politicians. I am left-wing, and think that colonialism and savage capitalism should be stopped. After Brexit, there is hope.

Brexit will make Britain great again. I am sure about it.

Sent by Miquel Molina

Date: 02-02-2020

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Phrase: FAQ's / FAQs

Meaning: The abbreviation of Frequently Asked Questions.

If there is anything you do not understand, have a look at the FAQ's.

Date: 25-05-2019

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Phrase: AI

Meaning: An abbreviation for artificial intelligence.

Will AI replace human beings?

Date: 25-05-2019

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Phrase: SWIFT

Meaning: An abbreviation for "Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication". It is used for international wire transfers.

Please do not forget to include the SWIFT code.

Date: 13-05-2018

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Phrase: REM

Meaning: An abbreviation for "rapid eye movement". This happens when we are sound asleep.

Date: 12-05-2018

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Phrase: o'clock

Meaning: It is short for "of the clock".

We arranged to meet at ten o'clock in the morning, that is, at 10 am.
I went to see her at four o'clock in the afternoon, that is, at 4 pm.
It's eight o'clock, ie, 8 am or pm.
I want you there at six (o'clock) sharp, that is, exactly at the time.

Date: 20-04-2018

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Phrase: PIN

Meaning: It stands for "personal identity or identification number", ie, a password.

Here are the new credit card and the PIN to access your account.
If you enter the PIN incorrectly three times, your mobile phone will be blocked.

Date: 18-04-2018

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Phrase: GMT

Meaning: It stands for "Greenwich Mean Time". There is a synonym: UTC, which stands for "Coordinated Universal Time".

The rocket will be launched at 9.25 pm GMT.

Date: 24-03-2018

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