Author: Raanan Geberer
1. Checkout Time at the Tri-State Grocer (663 times seen)
02-02-2024 | Short Stories
Checkout Time at the Tri-State Grocer
By Raanan Geberer
Ever since I'd gotten the job as a reporter/assistant editor on a small trade paper called the Tri-State Grocer with the covert help of its secretary -- who happened to be the wife of one of my father's friends -- ...
2. Section 8 Leased Housing (1925 times seen)
07-09-2020 | Short Stories
By Raanan Geberer
It was an ordinary day at the office of the Section 8 Leased Housing Bronx Team No. 2 at the New York Housing Authority’s Central Office. Today was one of the two days a week Rob Bergman went out on apartment inspections. First he’d have to wait for his partner, Manu...
3. Down and Out in Indianapolis (2738 times seen)
21-07-2017 | Short Stories
Down and Out in Indianapolis
By Raanan Geberer
Back in the early ‘80s, when I accepted a one-year job as an editor at a weekly Jewish newspaper in Indianapolis to get much-needed journalism experience, I didn’t have a place to live when I first got into town. So I thought ...
4. Song of the Conquerors (5046 times seen)
23-02-2013 | Short Stories
Josh glanced at his watch. It was a Rolex, one of the few relics of the comfortable life in the former United States, along with his pipe, his clarinet and his biology book, that he’d taken with him when he came to this remote corner of the world in search of a new life.
Four o' clock. ...
5. The Kingdom of Heaven Is Within You (5568 times seen)
23-02-2013 | Short Stories
“I geev you de el-lis-dee, yah?”
With those words, Tomas Sladek walked from the kitchen to the gigantic 1920s-style living room, carrying two tabs of acid. Rob hoped that they would be as good as the orange sunshine he had tripped on at the State University at Albany, almost 10 year...